Night Owl

Taste profile: dark chocolate, caramel, roasted hazelnuts
Variety: Caturra, Catuaí, Typica, Bourbon, Kent, S795
Counties of origin: Brazil, Nicaragua, India, Honduras, Vietnam

This blend was created especially for night owls!
Whenever you need to stay up late, it is this espresso that does save you from not making the deadline. Small amount of Robusta is what keeps you up, but allow you to relax and fall asleep easily later. Also combines its stronger body with plesant creaminess of Arabica.

Countries of origin: Brazília, Honduras, India a Nikaragua
Varietals: 80% Arabica, 20% Robusta


SKU: 1021 Categories: , ,

Additional information

Weight 0,3 kg
Dimensions N/A

250g, 1kg


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