Honduras San Marcos

Altitude: 1200 - 1650 mamsl
Area: Marcala - San Marcos
Classification: SHG EP
Variety: Typica, Catuai, Bourbon
Harvest: March 2020
Processing: washed
Score: 83.5
Roaster level: Advanced

Although Honduras produces more coffee than Costa Rica and Guatemala combined, the selective part of production lags behind. In recent years, however, the Honduran Coffee Institute (IHCAFE) is attempting to educate, build the scene, and raise standards for gourmet coffee. The RAOS initiative strongly promotes gender equality and also provides training for its members. The area where the initiative works has the highest percentage of malnutrition and poverty, so it supports people in farming and coffee production. The initiative was also the first in the country to export organic, certified coffee.


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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

500g, 1kg


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