Costa Rica HB Washed

Taste profile: nougat, raspberries
Altitude: 1700 mamsl
Area: Tarrazú - West Valley
Classification: SHB
Variety: Caturra & Catuai
Collection: October 2023
Procesing: washed
Score: 83

The country, which benefits from the considerable popularity of the local coffee, also offers "coffee tourism" - the opportunity to discover coffee plantations. Many species, quality soil, high altitude all contribute to local production.
To the southwest, a unique micro-climate takes place: Irazu volcano and sea-proximity altogether. It creates the right humidity, right amount of sunshine on the fertile lands, so the best coffee plants can grow. During the production, the de-weeding is done by hand and the environmentally friendly planting techniques do not involve the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The harvesting of the ripe, red cherries is done by hand and strict controls are implemented. It is the latest dry process in which 0-10% of the fruit pulp and mucilage is kept. Then a little fermentation and about 25 days of natural drying and it's good to embark on its journey to your cup!

First of processes we have to offer is washed. We roast this coffee on an espresso level, but it will taste great also in moca-pot. Reaching its full bodied, chocolate-y tones with a hint of red berries and nuts.


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Freshly roasted coffee beans just as you like it! Try roasted coffee beans Costa Rica for a round, mild, black tea and nougat hint flavour. First and even most importantly, we have loved this one for years and we think we can never stop. However, this is certainly one of yours favourite.

The country, which benefits from the considerable popularity of the local coffee, also offers “coffee tourism” – the opportunity to discover coffee plantations. Many species, quality soil, high altitude all contribute to local production.

About coffee industry

One of the greatest benefits of this area is the support of the government – the Instituto del Café de Costa Rica (ICAFE) is launching research focused farms, where it is trying for new, experimental ways of cultivation and processing. Probably the most famous cooperation is Coopetarrazú, which today has more than 4,700 members. It provides work and facilities for farming families, builds infrastructure, provides education and fair treatment, and creates research and innovation opportunities. This year it will celebrate its 60th anniversary.

Taste profile: floral, nougat, black tea

Altitude: 1100 – 1800 mamsl

Area: Tarrazú – Coopetarrazu

Classification: SHB

Variety: Caturra & Catuai

Collection: February 2020

Procesing: washed

Score: 85

Coffee trees grow at altitude from 1600 mamsl, which is probably really high for any plants to grow. Despite this fact, the coffee from here are really unique. The number two fact of uniqueness because of transport from war country to the whole wide world. We are really grateful for projects like Long Miles – they do a really good job.

Classification: SHG EP

In this blend we can mostly find Caturra, because that is a very common variety in Costa Rica. Above all it contains Catuaí as well.

Collection of cherries happened at February 2020.

SCA scored this blend on 85 points, which by any means it´s a good cup of specialty coffee.

Try once, next time yours roasted coffee beans Costa Rica will charm you even most!

If you ever drinked costarican coffee, you must certainly know what we are talking about.


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

200g, 500g, 1000g


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